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Materi Bahasa Inggris Directions and Locations (Arah dan Letak)

Directions and Locations (Arah dan Letak)

Keterangan :
1. E    = East = Timur
2. SE  = South East = Tenggara
3. S     = South = Selatan
4. SW  = South West = Barat Daya
5. W    = West = Barat
6. NW  = North West = Barat Laut
7. N      = North = Utara
8. NE   = North East = Timur Laut

Kemudian berikut ini adalah preposision of place (kata depan) dan kosa kata lain yang menunjang materi Directions and Locations (Arah dan Letak)
1. beside = disamping
2. straight = lurus
3. turn right = belok kanan
4. turn left = belok kiri
5. crossroad = perempatan
6. T-junction = pertigaan
7. traffic light = lampu lalu lintas
8. across from = bersebrangan dengan
9. between = diantara
10. street = jalan

Latihan soal
Read the text carefully!
My name is Ani. I live on Jl.Dahlia. My house is near the post office. Today, my mother asks me to accompany her to the supermarket. The supermarket is on Jl.Anggrek. There are many public places along this street.
The park is in the corner, near the library.There is a bank across from the police station. There is also a cinema. It is beside the bakery. At last the supermarket itself. It is between the drugstore and the bus station.

1. Where does Ani live?
2. Where does her mother want to go?
3. Where is the bank?
4. Where is the cinema?
5. Where is the supermarket?

1. She lives on Jl.Dahlia.
2. She wants to go to the supermarket.
3. The bank is across from police station.
4. It is beside the bakery.
5. The supermarket is between the drugstore and the bus station.

Demikian Materi Bahasa Inggris Directions and Locations (Arah dan Letak), semoga bermanfaat.

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